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yes, everyone is different.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛so everyone has different feeling and thought.
for me, i left China 12 years ago, so i've been tired of the life here, and become more interested in China. I'm planning to go back to China to work in about 2 years, especially, after I was told by others that life in China is more exciting and people like me are more likely to have a good career there.
Many new immigrants think that they are new here now, after few years of hardship, they will have a better future. Wrong! I'm sorry to say that. The highest point you can achieve here is what you had in China before you left there. Needless to mention the life of being a minority here which is not likely to be changed in your life time.
Many people think that they are doing it for their children: Although they are not happy, their children will have a better life. Wrong again!! You're not doing any favor for you children but push them into something they (and you) are not aware of:
-the minority status will haunt the children all time everywhere
-the children are harmed psychologically at a very young age, for that they don't speak the language as well as others for many years and other similar issues.
-when the children grow up, they're Chinese but don't know much about China, they're Canadians? not without the hypen ... just keep wondering about their real identity.
-and no way they can go back to China to have a living, so they don't have any advantages over people in China; but while they are here, you don't much advantages they have over the main stream Canadian, right?
...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 大家好,我是新来的。看这个坛子好久了,真喜欢这里的气氛。不过我还在北京,还没有申请,正犹豫呢。希望以后真的能成为大家的好朋友。(小声地嘀咕)也不知有没有人愿意理我。
    • 欢迎 :-)
    • 一起FB
      • 什么是FB呀,请问?
        • 还亏得你‘看这个坛子好久了‘,连‘腐败‘ 还没记住,真的很腐败
          • 原来是这个意思呀。看来我的想像力不够丰富。
            • 要来趁早,早起的鸟儿有食吃
              • 早起的虫子被鸟吃. xixi
        • fu bai
    • 欢迎!
    • 谢谢大家。真高兴。我第一个想问大家的当然是:加拿大到底好不好?
      • 好!至少我这么认为!
        • 我经常看一些关于加拿大移民的文章。也有一些朋友正在办理还有一些已经过去了,但我还是下不了决心。毕竟用英语说话处理事情想想头都大了。
        • 还有找工作,C++ 、JAVA程序员到底好不好找工作呀?众说纷纭的,我都不知该听谁的了。
      • good, very good, very very good, very v..v..v..v..v...good.
        • realy?re--realy?
          • Yes and of course.
    • 亚非拉,小朋友,革命路上手拉手!
      • 没有乐谱,不会唱!
      • 加拿大,小哥哥,腐败会上乐呵呵
      • 见兄弟,拜姐妹:小弟我是新来的
        • 你是小弟?我以为你是女的?一看你名字就想起小凤仙或者小桃红之类的名字。
      • 多伦多,小妹妹,永远腐败不言累。
        • 都会唱?
      • 啦啦啦、啦啦啦,我们是“腐败”的小行家~~~
        • 公园沙滩上到处跑,跑累了,搓一顿,满口的油水惹人笑....发福变形只有腰带知俄道!
          • 是不是一到加拿大就变成馋虫了?告诉你们我想移民的目的:听说温歌华的大螃蟹不错呀....我...我....妈妈我要吃.
            • 嘿嘿... 同好同好!握手握手...
              • 毕恭毕敬:您是正在憧憬还是已经吃上了?
                • 吃了吃了,好吃阿!... ... 啧啧 ... ...
                  • 便不便宜?黄多不多?肉肥不肥?我的口水把键盘都淹了.
                    • 注意:因为要保护螃蟹资源,不许吃母螃蟹,和黄螃蟹说再见吧。
                      • 我怕过度保护反而生态不平衡了。FB有理!没有黄怎么FB?!
          • 呵呵,要是长胖了,那多惨,我看我还是小小FB一下就行了,免得到时候还要减肥。
            • 我们西部的FB分子,两周去海边捉螃蟹FB一次,不敢去太勤,否则体重变化太快了啊,另外现在开始动海虾的主意了啊.
              • 哈哈,佩服佩服,都说中国人会吃,果不其然。你是广东人么?
                • 我是北京人啊.
                  • 北京人也那么会吃?哈哈
    • Hi. u guy! I'm ever a Pekinger and now I stay in Toronto. If u have nice life in
      Peking, don't come into Canada. Among my friends, I'm the last one who come into Canada. If u have really strong professional skills and perfect Englsih, u cna come here, or u have enough money, u can come here. Even sometimes, some Pekingers are thinkink of going back Peking. Some of them have gone back.
      Think it over before u decide.
      good luck to u!
      • i suspect any bj-er will spee bj as pk, ...
      • a supplement: If you have nothing to lose in China, you can come here.
        And it's very likely that you will love Canada until you have stayed long enough to realize that you have been ripped off by this country and have figured out that's as far as you can go in your career .
        But if you already have a promising job, a solid network in the industry in China, you will eventually realize that you come here just to find yourself going back to the point where you have been, that is , you will eventually think of going back to china after you have wasted many years trying to make a life with your pathetic after-tax salary.
    • It's 50-50. 50 percent are regret and other 50 are happy. Depends on you. Depends on your age, your experience and your communication skill.
    • yes, everyone is different.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛so everyone has different feeling and thought.
      for me, i left China 12 years ago, so i've been tired of the life here, and become more interested in China. I'm planning to go back to China to work in about 2 years, especially, after I was told by others that life in China is more exciting and people like me are more likely to have a good career there.
      Many new immigrants think that they are new here now, after few years of hardship, they will have a better future. Wrong! I'm sorry to say that. The highest point you can achieve here is what you had in China before you left there. Needless to mention the life of being a minority here which is not likely to be changed in your life time.
      Many people think that they are doing it for their children: Although they are not happy, their children will have a better life. Wrong again!! You're not doing any favor for you children but push them into something they (and you) are not aware of:
      -the minority status will haunt the children all time everywhere
      -the children are harmed psychologically at a very young age, for that they don't speak the language as well as others for many years and other similar issues.
      -when the children grow up, they're Chinese but don't know much about China, they're Canadians? not without the hypen ... just keep wondering about their real identity.
      -and no way they can go back to China to have a living, so they don't have any advantages over people in China; but while they are here, you don't much advantages they have over the main stream Canadian, right?
      ...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • You are the man! That's exactly what I have in mind , after many years struggling here. As soon as I have finished the business here, I am going back to china too. But things might be different for others, wish everybody luck though.
      • 说来说去,你还是没有明白自己来这里的原因。我们来这里不是追求美好生活,至少我没有次幻想。我是想从一个worse的地方来到bad的地方。如果你在中国的社会上待15年以上,觉得不会愿意把后代也放在那个环境下。我敢打赌你为共产党干活的时间不到5年。