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There are pros and cons

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's really helpful to go through some American graduate education, especially the kind with research and thesis requirement. I have to admit that the two and half years I spent in Nothwestern has been the happiest time in my life. I had a BS in CS back in china, yet I still felt brain-stormed in the first year. The education system was completely different from that in china, especially in Computer Science. They base everything on Unix while I had only played with windows3.x in China. The pace was so fast, you got exams coming up every other week, and meanwhile you have to teach labs for those kids in order to get your TA stipend. When it comes time to do your research, the state-of-the-art equipments and projects make you feel you are standing on the top of the world. Anyway, it's a good experience to improve your English and get you familiar with American way of doing things.

However, there is a big problem: the Green Card.
After you graduate from school, you have one year period of practical training, which entitles you eligibility to work without an H-1B visa. After that, you've gotta apply for an H-1B visa which is good for 6 years and non-renewable. If you were born in China, you are bound to wait in a big line to get your GC application approved. US only allows a 9600 quota for GC processing each year for a particular country, because there are so many chinese and indian applicants, you have to wait for several years only to get your application process started! And during this waiting period, you can not switch your jobs, if you do so, you have to restart the process. For this reason, a lot of talented chinese students have to put up with low salaries, poor working conditions, and boring repetitive tasks.
This is a very pathetic situation.

Immigration to Canada is an alternative, you don't have to worry about your GC anymore. However, even after you get your citizenship, and you want to work in US, you have to renew your TN-1 visa every year, which is a pain in butt, at least for me. Even worse, the existence of TN-1 depends very much on the North American Free Trade pact, NAFTA. Now a lot of people in Canada are opposing NAFTA , if NAFTA is gone, there will be no more TN-1s, and canadians will have to apply for H-1 as people from china do.

Nobody can forsee the future, the only thing you can do is to do the best in your ability. Success belongs to people who strive for it, It doesn't matter where you are, canada, US , or China.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 挺关心各位网友的年龄段的, 想弄明白这里的网友之间是否存在代沟. 能否麻烦各位将自己上本专科的年代报一下? 如果不便可以匿名(像我). 我是81级的.
    • 92 级的
      • 2000年毕业!CS
    • 什么是代沟?是指同一生长环境中不同时间成长起来的人们之间的由于经历差异所导致的思想隔阂。不可能没有代沟。比如,新移民和老移民之间就有代沟。年龄并不是决定因素。
      • you dao li....
      • 同意,再加一句。本来大家交流可能没觉的有什么代沟的,在知道了彼此的年龄,教育,家庭背景后,反而人为生出些代沟。这就是网友为什么不能见面的原因。要是有机会认识了大家,我没准就得换坛子烦人去了。一家之言,一家之言。。
        • 可以理解。不过,现在网友聚会已经不做背景介绍了。你如果来,别说你是热带鱼就行了。很多人自称guest。
    • 我是00级的毕业=失业!
      • 92
    • 94
      • Thank you to be the first one to shou your real identity. You're so young, must be very energitic. Envy you.
    • 你说的是入学还是毕业? 我是93年入学,97年毕业。
      • 在中国, 一般级代表你入学年份, 届代表毕业年份. 我认为用入学年份比较好. 你应该是93级97届. 也很年轻.
      • 俺算98届
        • the same lar! 本科?
          • 废话,人家问的就是本\专科.从毕业到出国,这届我应该最早了
            • 呵呵,那还有好多一毕业就去美国的呢?算超前了?
              • 这里是移民网站,留学差得远了
                • 在我看来,留学的才是精英, 至少人家T和G都是超高。 几年下来,人家比别人更适应北美生活,还有北美学位
                  • Keep thinking then, nobody is trying to stop you. :) Immigration is the best way, in my opinion. Don't try to persuade me of your thought. It doesn't make any sense. BTW, what you are talking about is not the business of this topic.
                  • 这个不好太绝对。
                    • 让他问问如果那些人可以工作的话,几个人还愿意待在学校里?只有可以工作的,才可以谈上适应"生活",留学生适应的是"校园生活".花10多年时间拿到国内学位,特别是Phd.再说了,拿了Phd又读master or Phd的,还要提防人家揭发自己做假,这样的生活,没什么可以值得适应的.
                      过来重新读一个master甚至Phd,浪费几年时间就是为了有机会找工作而已,找到工作还是要申请移民吧?为了申请,又得坐监,坐了还不一定申请成功.算一算,拿到绿卡又是10年左右以后。十年以后呀,呵呵,现在的新移民都不知道在地球哪个角落度假,享受生活了。目标都是一样,没有道理不承认直接移民比它好.为这个发牢骚的都不知道有多少,嘿嘿,一个师兄也是Phd from Tsinghua,到了Arizona不到一年,突然跟我说想回北京工作了,拿2个Phd太没意思.问我加拿大好不好找工作,听了这里的形式,还是觉得回国好,今年暑假就走了.
                      再说说,移民只会比留学生有更大自由和权力.你想证明自己是"精英"?你认为去留学是"精英",那你就去给自己生活添加一点寄托(GT)好了,寄托完就申请吧,没人阻拦你.比起那些visa students来说,,你可以享受合法工作的权力,享受所有国家给予的福利,享受作为加拿大永久居民的一切权力,入籍后免签证出入世界上很多的国家等等......
                      • SMTH 在哪里?我要看,我要看!!!
                        • 水木清华BBS. 我是了好几次都进不去. 怪...
                          • I got it. See url
                      • you are a little extreme too, going to school is not just to look for a job, it's for a career.
                        There is a big difference between job and career. If you stay in this industry long enough, you will know that to be a programmer, you only need a certificate or diploma, to be a software designer, you need a B.S in CS and a couple of years experience, but to be an architect, you have to have a good graduate education. Architects are those who make the top salaries.
                        • 看看出国留学的比例,读CV的有百分之几?嘿嘿
                      • 清华人还真小肚鸡肠,有本事申请美国名校的PH.D去
                        • Top10的学校,是不会看中你的寄托的,这句话应该给这位认为寄托超高就是精英的人看.呵呵
                          • You are completely correct. I am now in U.S.A.
                        • 请不要进行人身攻击,就事论事,最烦这些动不动就引申一大片的人
                      • 说得太好了!我是移民到加拿大的,姐姐和姐夫则留学到了美国,姐姐老说我们幸福。我觉得移民要比留学好得多。
                  • 有超高的T 和G , 你认为就是精英吗?我相信,只要智力正常,一门心思苦念,谁都能成”精英“。大学里我们都见过那些除了T,G , 连自己都不认得的人,不敢恭维!再说,学一个鬼子都不乐意念的专业,你也能留学
                  • There are pros and cons
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's really helpful to go through some American graduate education, especially the kind with research and thesis requirement. I have to admit that the two and half years I spent in Nothwestern has been the happiest time in my life. I had a BS in CS back in china, yet I still felt brain-stormed in the first year. The education system was completely different from that in china, especially in Computer Science. They base everything on Unix while I had only played with windows3.x in China. The pace was so fast, you got exams coming up every other week, and meanwhile you have to teach labs for those kids in order to get your TA stipend. When it comes time to do your research, the state-of-the-art equipments and projects make you feel you are standing on the top of the world. Anyway, it's a good experience to improve your English and get you familiar with American way of doing things.

                    However, there is a big problem: the Green Card.
                    After you graduate from school, you have one year period of practical training, which entitles you eligibility to work without an H-1B visa. After that, you've gotta apply for an H-1B visa which is good for 6 years and non-renewable. If you were born in China, you are bound to wait in a big line to get your GC application approved. US only allows a 9600 quota for GC processing each year for a particular country, because there are so many chinese and indian applicants, you have to wait for several years only to get your application process started! And during this waiting period, you can not switch your jobs, if you do so, you have to restart the process. For this reason, a lot of talented chinese students have to put up with low salaries, poor working conditions, and boring repetitive tasks.
                    This is a very pathetic situation.

                    Immigration to Canada is an alternative, you don't have to worry about your GC anymore. However, even after you get your citizenship, and you want to work in US, you have to renew your TN-1 visa every year, which is a pain in butt, at least for me. Even worse, the existence of TN-1 depends very much on the North American Free Trade pact, NAFTA. Now a lot of people in Canada are opposing NAFTA , if NAFTA is gone, there will be no more TN-1s, and canadians will have to apply for H-1 as people from china do.

                    Nobody can forsee the future, the only thing you can do is to do the best in your ability. Success belongs to people who strive for it, It doesn't matter where you are, canada, US , or China.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 本来留学就是为了学,不是为了留
                    • 这说的还不错.什么精英不精英的,自己实现了自己的目标就是精英,走自己的路,走得好就是精英
                  • 看来是没人想适应中国生活了.
        • Shou,看来你发蒙很晚哦。98年才毕业。:P
          • faint,岂不是连我也给捎带进去了? :(
          • 什么叫发蒙?
      • 我也是93-97。
        • 我是HERCULES的领导,94-98的,我劳工是92-96。跟你们是一拨。
    • 我是91级,96届,不是留级了,学医,5年。
      • 我是81级86届, 也没有留级, 是清华的.
        • 我是82级的, 没准在学校还见过哪.
      • 我也是91级,96届,学医的。我也在Ottawa.你好!
      • 原来你和我一样大。我91级,95届。
    • All of you are so young.
      • Not me.
      • Not me. 86
        • neither am I
    • 我是93级的,回想81年,我还刚刚上小学1年级吧...唉,岁月不饶人啊
      • 555555......................wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
      • 哈哈。。。。
    • 我和劳工都是85级,89届的。
      • “同桌的你”!
        • 同级,同班,同桌,同宿舍(现在)。xixi. :-p
          • 接着说下去。
            • 同时成为同一个娃的父和母。哈哈。
              • 哈哈。
          • 一样一样,85级,89届,同校、同系、同班、同........领导可比我学习好。
      • the same as us. 85级,89届。同校,同系,同级,不同专业:他学雷达, 嘿嘿,本人学雷达对抗。
    • 77级. First university's student. Right now is PHD.
      • Salute! Any other earlier than me?
      • Finally, I find someone older than me.
        • guys, I am old woman. 学医的. From shanghai. Net age is 5 years.
          • Another salute! You won again this time.
          • What is Net Age? The time spends on Internet? Hehe, if it is then I was running after Gopher 10 years ago. ... It's Pathetic!! If I stick with it I probably already a billionaire
      • You're my Lao(3) Da(4) Jie(3). I'd learnt a lot from those 77 grade when I was in the university.
    • 91级,95届
    • 89-93, In US, people don't consider anybody under 50 "old". If you are under 29,you are still a kid... 30-50 is the golden age
      • you are a kid.
        • heihei, no..
      • <35=kids, anybody agree?
        • I agree <=30 are kids.
          • look carefully, it's 29
            • 你意思是把你划进去,把俺劳公划出来?
              • no, both of us should be out of the definition of "kids"
                • 我觉得kids挺好,无论多大年纪,只要保持那种年轻的心态,甚至童心,就很好。昨天和劳工去公园挖土,想在阳台上种点东西,两个人跪在土堆上用树枝在那挖,仿佛回到了童年,很开心!
              • ai,it's so boring at work, They delayed my move and now I have nothing to do .. okay, go home to see lumlum la... bye,, fly_cloud
                • good luck, little kid.
          • I think being mature is a good thing. As your age goes, you're not afraid of things that you were afraid of before, and you have a less emotional personality. All these are beneficial to your career. I'm glad I'm not a kid anymore.
            • "You're not afraid of things that you were afraid of before." Can't agree with you here. Just look aroud what I see is completely oposite.
          • agree.
      • 我和你一样,89级。我们一定不会有代沟。
    • Kids无罪,年轻有理,比什么比
      • Kids are lovely.
        • yes, very handsome and lovely.
      • 哈哈,让他们这么一划,俺也能像小受和 Pasu 一样年轻了。真高兴。88-93
    • 真高兴能认识这么多不同年龄段的GGJJDDMM们,其实,我们来这里都怀着美好的梦想,有梦就证明我们还年轻,希望大家心里永远年轻
      • Another way to make yourself believe that you are young is to play with those young kids. I am doing this.
        • me too. :-))
        • Playing with young kids just make me feel old.
    • 我是83级的,87届的。代沟很深,共同语言很少。
      • 奥,又是小师弟级的,你进校门的时候,俺已拿了两个月工资了。呵呵。。
    • 5555, you guys so young, I am so old.
    • 79j级的找了一个84 级的
      • 哪个学校的?
        • 反正不是大西北的,真可惜!你的名字真好, 可惜呀可惜, 只能看不能吃! 呵呵..
    • 应该让劳工看看,他是85级的,老是觉得自己老,
      • Then tell him I graduated before he enrolled university
    • 好,看来我够年轻94-98
    • 我是85级的.从没觉得自己老了.嘿嘿,咱有一颗年轻的心.
      • hehe,I love you name,FOR 她充满了革命乐观主义精神,而且诗情画意,美不胜收,醉死人啦 ...........
        • 90-97
    • 我是78级的,才拿到LP,准备7月份去多市,很容易与人们沟通
      • 78级?文革后的第一代大学生!!是小三届还是老三届还是当年 的小牙子?
    • 看来都比我大,我95--99的
      • another 流云是第一代(77级), 78级的应该算准第一代.
        • 女人四十岁才开始!果然!
    • 我是88级的,可惜没有 发发 起来, 我自我感觉还是很年轻的啊
    • 我也是91级95届的。。。
      • 不错,值得表扬!
    • 看来大家的年龄段跨越20年.
    • 哈哈。。。,同志,我终于找到你了(紧紧握住guest的手,两眼的泪水不停的流),我也是81级的,我倒没觉得有代沟,我在这些70、80年代的移友身上学到不少东西,特别是幽默感
      • 抱歉, 我才看到你的帖子, 也不知你的眼泪流干了没有, 因为我刚开始流. 握手握手.