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Sad song by Elton John : it is not so sad because, as a shallow person as I am, I can still like it


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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / Sad song by Elton John : it is not so sad because, as a shallow person as I am, I can still like it
    • 好事不藏着掖着,周末又去COSTCO,发现Elton John的一套CD共四张,才卖16刀,每张CD只有4刀,Recession来了,东西也便宜了。。。
      • what? This is outrageous :))
      • no wonder master keep saying that costco is shopping wonderland of the mid-class families, congratulations that you are in main stream now~~~
        • Shame on my main stream shopping, cause I was there to buy vegetable instead of CD stuff。。。
          • Master, if you see k.d.lang's CD next time, buy it for me, will ya :))
      • heartland costco? why didn't i see any elton john CDs there last weekend?
        • Try Oakville Costco, someone called it's main stream Costco。。。LOL
          • Thx master. good to know I’m just miles away from main stream...