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这个我支持, eagles 的歌比老柴的强多了,再点播一首伤感但不小资的 "The Girl From Yesterday"

"The Girl From Yesterday"

It wasn't really sad the way they said good-bye
Or maybe it just hurt so bad she couldn't cry
He packed his things, walked out the door and drove away
And she became the girl from yesterday

He took a plane across the sea
To some foreign land
She stayed at home and tried so hard to understand
How someone who had been so close could be so far away
And she became the girl from yesterday

She doesn't know what's right
She doesn't know what's wrong
She only knows the pain that comes from waiting for so long
And she doesn't count the teardrops
That she's cried while he's away
Because she knows deep in her heart
That he'll be back someday

The light's on in the window; she's waiting by the phone
Talking to a memory that's never coming home
She dreams of his returning and the things that he might say
But she'll always be the girl from yesterday
Yeh, she'll always be the girl from yesterday

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / Eagles1989年的一首老歌<The End of the Innocence>,这首歌曲获当年的格莱美奖。。。
    • 某人号称Eagle No.1,连Eagles的老歌也不顶,是可忍,孰不得不忍!。。。
      • 瞧你那么费劲,帮顶
        • 谢谢,是挺费劲,再不顶就扛不住了。。。:D
      • k! 早看到了, 看你烧柴烧得三心二意,我再顶,烧柴派以为我们联合起来砸场子来了.
        • 俺已经看出来烧柴烧不旺,所以想另起炉灶。。。:-)
          • 联手砸
          • 这个我支持, eagles 的歌比老柴的强多了,再点播一首伤感但不小资的 "The Girl From Yesterday"
            "The Girl From Yesterday"

            It wasn't really sad the way they said good-bye
            Or maybe it just hurt so bad she couldn't cry
            He packed his things, walked out the door and drove away
            And she became the girl from yesterday

            He took a plane across the sea
            To some foreign land
            She stayed at home and tried so hard to understand
            How someone who had been so close could be so far away
            And she became the girl from yesterday

            She doesn't know what's right
            She doesn't know what's wrong
            She only knows the pain that comes from waiting for so long
            And she doesn't count the teardrops
            That she's cried while he's away
            Because she knows deep in her heart
            That he'll be back someday

            The light's on in the window; she's waiting by the phone
            Talking to a memory that's never coming home
            She dreams of his returning and the things that he might say
            But she'll always be the girl from yesterday
            Yeh, she'll always be the girl from yesterday
            • 俗!信不信?放狗咬:瞎起哄+"The Girl From Yesterday" ,连篇累牍的东东就会Popup,咋回事? 有完没完?。。。:P
              • #3494592@0
                • Me 2 factually。。。
    • 好像不是老鹰乐队,是主唱单飞的作品
    • 自己找出来了, "The girl from yesterday" (我这个比你的还多半星)--->
    • 老歌,顶!