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Love Over Gold (Live)

You walk out on the high wire
you're a dancer on thin ice
you pay no heed to the danger
and less to advice
your footsteps are forbidden
but with a knowledge of your sin
you throw your love to all the strangers
and caution to the wind

And you go dancing through doorways
just to see what you will find
leaving nothing to interfere
with the crazy balance of your mind
and when you finally reappear
at the place where you came in
you've thrown your love to all the strangers
and caution to the wind

It takes love over gold
and mind over matter
to do what you do that you must
when the things that you hold
can fall and be shattered
or run through your fingers like dust


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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 尽管有同学对乐韵书香的流行音乐倾向有微词, 还是忍不住再贴一曲。昨天放了一曲吉他老手的,今天来一曲打鼓的吧。一通鼓声后紧接唱出的第一句,老让我眼前出现哈姆雷特去天台会见他的幽灵父亲的一段。
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord
    Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

    Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
    I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am
    And I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes
    So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
    It's all been a pack of lies

    And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord
    I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

    Well I remember, I remember, don't worry, how could I ever forget
    It's the first time and the last time we ever met
    But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
    Because the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
    Some stranger to you and me

    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
    I can feel it coming in the air, I can feel it coming in the air
    I've been waiting for this moment all my life, my life

    I can feel it coming in the air, I can feel it coming in the air
    I've been waiting for this moment all my li-i-i-i-i-ife
    I've been waiting for this moment all my life, my life

    In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins


    • Love over Gold 有没有呀?
      • Love Over Gold (Live)
        You walk out on the high wire
        you're a dancer on thin ice
        you pay no heed to the danger
        and less to advice
        your footsteps are forbidden
        but with a knowledge of your sin
        you throw your love to all the strangers
        and caution to the wind

        And you go dancing through doorways
        just to see what you will find
        leaving nothing to interfere
        with the crazy balance of your mind
        and when you finally reappear
        at the place where you came in
        you've thrown your love to all the strangers
        and caution to the wind

        It takes love over gold
        and mind over matter
        to do what you do that you must
        when the things that you hold
        can fall and be shattered
        or run through your fingers like dust

        • 多谢,叩谢.
    • 这么好的东西有多少拿多少出来.
    • 连听了两遍, 没有你说的那种感觉啊. 威尔第的<游吟诗人>第一幕的鼓声真的是让我有了哈姆雷特见父亲幽灵的感觉
      • 新人好不容易发言,被你砸回去了,我们就只好天天听你的歌剧, NO FAIR.
        • 这位Artshen大侠一看就是高手, 没有砖头他会觉得没意思的, 我是为了让他留下啊!
      • 你之所以没有感觉,是因为我把我的感觉说了,你再按照别人的感觉去找自己的感觉, 当然找不到啰。我这不是歪理吧。
        • 金砖,金砖,老迷估计要满眼金花了.
          • :DDD
    • 说起英国乐队, 大侠有没有一个根据Pink Floyd的音乐改编的四重奏?
      • 没有
        • XB记性好,电脑Internet用的好
    • 好,打倒古典!
      • 好,这一声,喊出了时代的最强音!
    • 总听古典会让人发疯!总听流行会让人抓狂!。。。
      • 那是男人,不是女人。女人听了涅。。。会怎么样?
        • 还能怎样?。。。
      • 那你岂不是一会儿发疯,一会儿抓狂,没有好时候了?~~~
        • 你有吗? 如果有请传上来与大家分享.
    • 下次贴他边唱边鼓的live吧 ;-)
      • 定住,我原先还以为那是你的马甲
    • 这个歌很熟啊,前世听过?
      • 大腕Phil Collins唱过。。。
        • 最早听到是那个叫大卫的魔术师当背景音乐用的