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Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 没有人纪念吗? Lennon同学走了26年,听了几个小时Beatles,专辑才听了一半。。。
    • 嗯,他的忌日应该有所表示!Merry Christmas。。。
    • Imagine..............

      Imagine there's no heaven
      It's easy if you try
      Nowhere below us
      Above only sky
      Imagine all the people
      Living for today...

      Imagine there's no countries
      It isn't hard to do
      Nothing to kill or die for
      And no religion too
      Imagine all the people
      Living life in peace...

      You may say I'm a dreamer
      But I'm not the only one
      I hope someday you'll join us
      And the world will be as one

      Imagine no possessions
      I wonder if you can
      No need for greed or hunger
      A brotherhood of man
      Imagine all the people
      Sharing all the world...

      You may say I'm a dreamer
      But I'm not the only one
      I hope someday you'll join us
      And the world will be as one
    • Rock'n Roll起源与黑人的Blues, 开始在美国一直受到许多白人的抵制. Beatles 的出现让白人父母们有了一个愿意让小孩听的"好孩子"乐队. 但后期的Lennon改变了好孩子的形象, 试图让他们的音乐成为conciecnce of the moment.
      • Lennon的后期转变,用Apple公司的一个著名广告来表述非常恰当:Think different。。。
        • 这张照片拍与Montreal的一个酒店, 好象就是在那个时候他唱出了: "All we are saying, is give peace a chance."
          • Apple公司另一个用音乐家来做Think different的广告,你一定喜欢。。。:-)
            • 卡拉斯?拍得真漂亮。。。
              • 拍得真漂亮。。。
        • Lennon自从搭上Yoko Ono后人就变得颓废古怪...最不喜欢那个日本女人,看她在都灵冬奥会开幕式上装腔作势的为Lennon的名曲"Imagine"颂诗,简直令人作呕
          • 是有点颓废古怪, 但politically more active. 正是在那段时间里他成为了我们今天知道的Lennon, 那之前, 他只是Beatles的四分之一.
            • 所言甚是!John的艺术灵感与Yoko还是联在一起的,他们bed in for peace的宣传画就是证明。
    • Let it be Christmas everywhere...
    • Lennon同学是谁,马甲吗?;-))
      • 约翰.列侬
    • Lennon当然还是要纪念的...献上他的一首<LOVE>

      Love is real, real is love
      Love is feeling, feeling love
      Love is wanting to be loved
      Love is touch, touch is love
      Love is reaching, reaching love
      Love is asking to be loved

      Love is you
      You and me
      Love is knowing
      We can be

      Love is free, free is love
      Love is living, living love
      Love is needing to be loved

    • Yesterday - The Beatles: 在美国MTV电视台以及《滚石杂志》共同评选的自1963年以来一百首最佳流行歌曲中,这首歌位居第一。
      • 其实词曲, 主唱的都是 Paul McArney,
        • 謝謝告知.
          • 不客气.不过Lennon是Beatles的Leader,庆祝他也没错
        • 我个人是喜欢PAUL多过Lennon
          • John's lyrics, Paul's music
            • 好晚了老迷还没睡觉瓦?
    • 听他的歌,总想到他怎么对待他前妻和孩子的。人的大和小怎么都搁一起了呢?
    • Thanks. Very beautiful.