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都是冯.标罗给忽悠的. 那标罗也是一个怪人, 老婆被瓦格纳名目张胆地抢了, 还强忍着悲愤在那儿非常认真地指挥瓦格纳的作品.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / [每日一交响曲] “弃我去者,昨日之日不可留;乱我心者,今日之日多烦尤。。。”----豪放的伯拉姆斯; 请听--

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    by klassische (老糊涂音乐迷) at 2006.5.10 16:00

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    REPLY 话题 版权声明 关闭窗口

  • 顶! 还请发扬忽悠的光荣传统, 给大家讲讲那个欢乐颂的主题藏在哪儿.
    • 就在第4乐章开始的悠扬圆号过后; 从30多岁开始写这首交响曲, 写到此时已42岁,圆号旋律和欢乐主题让我们感受到了崇高的升华感; 但就在此时。。

      • 英文是如何翻译的?
        • 不管他英文怎么翻译, 伯拉姆斯会中文就会像我这么说.
          • 老兄还是潇洒点, 别学他了. :)
      • 英雄?整一个废物!!! -eglispa(一呵呵); 11:17 (14 bytes. #2964509@0)
        • #2962139@0
        • Haha! Gotcha!
        • 这可能是Clara一直想说但有没有说的话. ;)
        • Bramhs因为Clara终身不娶是事实,这样伟大的爱情,竟然说大师是废物,不厚道。。。
          • #2964622, 但他有过好几个GF, 有一个定婚前变挂了, the usual problem of man, fear of commitment. haha
      • 都是冯.标罗给忽悠的. 那标罗也是一个怪人, 老婆被瓦格纳名目张胆地抢了, 还强忍着悲愤在那儿非常认真地指挥瓦格纳的作品.
        • 这又是哪里来的8挂?怎么高雅的艺术中竟有这样多的龌龊tales,看来一定不能迷。。。
          • 艺术是反映人性的, 如果一切都是高尚的, 那艺术也太乏味了/
      • That horn passage is in fact a reconcilliatory theme sent to Clara Schumann along with a letter which ended the crisis of their friendship. The letter did not survive.
        This theme is actually a Shepperd's song Brahms heard on his daily walk in the Austrian mountains.
        • 难道夏同学有断章取意之嫌?
          • They were having a huge dispute over the treatment of Schumann's unfinished manuscripts, as well as Clara's struggle with her career as a concert pianist and her burden to feed 7 children in the family.
            Brahms had wanted Clara to give up on performing, but to Clara piano meant everything.
            • 也许真正的悲剧人物是Clara...
              • The day Clara passed away, Brahms wrote in his diary "I have no one left to lose." I was touched and dumbfounded when I read it.
            • 如果伯拉姆斯真是个英雄, 就应该和师母一起来养那七个孩子, 不管别人如何说他离经叛道.
              • Throughout his life Brahms had been an extremely close friend of the family, he would visit their residence in Dusseldorf on every occasion possible. But the problem is, Brahms was stationed in Vienna the whole time;
                he was the director of the Wien Singakademie, for that reason he couldn't come to Dusseldorf that often, not even to his home city, Hamburg. During his later years he only made a few trips back, one of these was when his mother died.
            • A serious question: For Schuman's fourth symphony? Is the orchestration that is often played today a product of Brahms?
              • I have no idea. Schumann always had technical difficulty with regard to form and structure, this is espeically true in his larger works.
                None of his symphonies ranks among the greatest Romantic masterpieces. But general consensus believe that he excelled in miniature pieces, such as Carnival and Kinderszenen, both for piano.
                • I actually quite like his fourth symphony, like the cyclic form and like the way he developed the first movement's various motives in the next three movements.
          • lifesucks 同学年龄太小, 又没经过男女偷递小纸条阶段, 不懂其中寓意 :-))
            • XB 自己有过许多浪漫的故事, 小心我告你家LD.
    • 原文:
      。。。Yet the constant place of this symphony in the conposer's thoughts is shown by the many references to it in his letters, as in the one of to Clara Cchumann of 12 septmber 1868. "thus blew the shepherd's horn today', wrote Brahms,quoting the horn solo from the introduction to the finale, under which he added the words"High on the mountain, deep in the valley, I greet you many thousand times"
      • 哦. 那个"愿"字好象是多余了
      • "High on the mountain, deep in the valley, I greet you many thousand times" “高山仰止,情深若谷,愿千百次的为你祝福" 。哇噻,这么美好的诗句,夏同学,你才是阴柔大师耶。。。
      • "High on the mountain, deep in the valley, I greet you many thousand times" -“高山仰止,情深若谷,千百次为你祝福” 这么高的过问造诣,是你原始翻译的吗?
        • k! 被你们这一忽悠, 我开始崇拜我自己了 :-)))
          • 我崇拜你已经很久很久了。。。。。。
            • 被你们忽悠得彻底晕菜了。。。
              • 只能怪我们没有say it often。。。
  • 勃拉姆斯<第一交响曲>相对<第二>看来显得平淡,没有<第二>那么深沉。
    • 听听再说, 听听再说。。。
    • I think 深沉 is a word to describe his 3rd and 4th symphonies. His 2nd symphony is the most joyful and carefree of all four, by Brahms's standard of course.
      • 同意,我用词不当,应该说“深刻”。
  • 嘿~~~这个第三乐章怎么和第四乐章一样了?!
    • sorry 3th movement http://eagleno1.dreamhosters.com/br1-3.wma
      • 谢谢!