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加网红joffre, 去的时候说有雨,不过不管啥天气都值!不比banff差









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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 累,痛,并快乐着 (Whistler Kees and Claire Hut Backpacking) +13
    • Wow!
      • come before snow melted away. :) Actually I am thinking go see Garibaldi lake before it completely melts.
        • I like winter sports. But when it comes to June, I prefer HOT weather! 😁
          • Not this year. I guess last year we used up all June heat. I saw there is no day in the remaining June above 20c and your place is even worse. 😁😁 +1
    • 太赞了👍 +1
    • 你站在桌子上了? +1
      • 2nd picture to the last walking inside the snow walls was me. +1
        • Whoever standing on the table shows disgusting +1
          • some times u need a little bit humor, or better, kindness. +1
        • 看着不胖啊,个子很高
          • 我不觉得胖。😅😅,个子高,肉都藏起来了,但还是挺重的。🤫🤫 +1
    • 赞!
    • 看着累 :) 估计亲历的人更累 :) 花很多的钱和精力时间找累受,哈哈
      • 今天接着找累受,爬garibaldi,绝对不输banff任何一景点,18公里来回。这是别人前天的照片。 +1


        • 拥抱G湖! +2






          • 还以为你跳下去了呢!LOL
            • 下回再去没冰了我下去照一张。 😁😁
    • 厉害!
    • 👍👍👍牛
    • 太棒了,你们开学季还有十月有节目吗?计划将我的R V开过去放闺蜜投资的R V Dealer那,开始explore西部. 给个Solo三四天的backpack camping的低难度离大学不太远的路线呢?
      • 我加了几个本地华人Hiker群,要不你PM我你的微信我加你。
        • 好的呀,我已经加入了几个UBC的群,没想到新生都开始各个学科的补习了,比东部卷多了😅
    • 加网红joffre, 去的时候说有雨,不过不管啥天气都值!不比banff差









      • 美啊美